My vision is to have a unified Bunda College with motivated staff from the "grounds personnel" to the "Chief Executive" yes, personnel that are proud
to work at, and for Bunda; staff that is proud to be associated with Bunda College. In particular, the war against the stigma
that CTS staff is less important than others, which is already on, has to rage further and victory is a must!!
vision is to have a Bunda that is financially sturdy, capable of growing in infrastructure within the frail national and international
economies- YES IT CAN BE DONE!! But how?
My strategy is to look inwards and outwards and cease any
available opportunity. Inwardly, one has to look what Bunda has and start from there: Bunda has a commercial farm, termed
"mine gold" by many that pass by. The farm will have to achieve some degree of autonomy in no time. Having work conditions
of the Bunda College into commercial setting of Bunda Farm may yield no results. Once Bunda College Farm is able to tick right,
a mechanism will be put in place to have a portion of the proceeds to implement Bunda College Development Plans.
Bunda College will have to be placed on the top of Malawis national agenda so that human and financial resources from donors
and/or otherwise are shared. This will be done once BCA links with parent Ministries of Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Security
(MAIFS) and Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs (MoNREA) through Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). MOU with MAIFS
does exist, and the signing of the MOU with MoNREA will be the first thing to do. In addition, accreditation of the Fisheries
and Forestry diplomas with University of Malawi through Bunda will be done.
Finally, I am of the view that Bunda has
the calibre of staff and resources that may not have comparison anywhere in the world. My participation in this drama will
just be but a small salt to further stimulate energies of the available potentials. In fact what we have is more than average
men and women:
If, "Not Geniuses, But Average Men and Women Require Profound Stimulation, Incentive Towards Creative
Effort And Nurture of Great Hopes" then, what will happen to Bunda College where we have a Conglomerate of Geniuses??
"A leader is best when people are hardly aware of his
or her Existence.... Fail to honor people, and they fail to honor you.." Dr Emmanuel Kaunda, 2004.
VISION TITLE: "Towards a greater Bunda College: A strategic approach to running the office of the Vice Principal"

The Vice Principal in blue Shirt |
The Vice Principal tells
it all:
My vision is to see Bunda continue to excel in provision of high academic
standards and technological development in Agriculture and Natural resources. Bunda should become THE Agricultural and Natural
Resources University College within the region and within Malawi.
My vision is to have an expanded Bunda in terms of infrastructure to accommodate
more than 700 students within the next three years, being responsive to the decline in numbers of extension staff within Ministry
of Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Security and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs due to loss of trained
personnel through HIV/AIDS. The new cafeteria to accommodate such numbers will be a story of the past within the coming two
to three months, while the Natural Resources Management Department block has to be in place within twothree years from now.
My vision is to have a Bunda that has upgraded information super highway,
responding to the cyber space technology; indeed, a Bunda where students and staff can be part of the global village thereby
removing Bunda from the information "wilderness". Efforts that have been initiated by Bunda Library staff through the MALICO
for example, will be upheld and fully supported.
My vision is to have student body that is mature and responsible. The students
have to be responsive to current issues e.g. HIV/AID. The initiatives that the Dean of Students has started will be fully
supported. Disciplinary action should be considered as last resort after all avenues are exhausted.