Wedding Invitation
The Jemitale family of Nyenga Village,
T/A Likoswe, Chiradzulu
The Mkhomawanthu family of Kapesi Village
, T/A Kachere, Dedza
cordially invite with pleasure the company
Bunda College Alumni
to the wedding of
Their son and daughter respectively,
to be officiated on 9th December 2006 at St Columba CCAP Church
8.00am and there after to a reception at St Columba CCAP Church hall from 1.30pm
“Wherever you go I will go; wherever
you live I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.”
Ruth 1:16
RSVP (Regrets Only)
Mrs. Tsamwa
Mr. B Mkhomawanthu
09 146159 08892613