Article 1:Definitions
Article 2:Name
Article 3:Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives of the Association
Article 4:Powers and functions
Article 5:Organs of the Association and their functions
Article 6:Secretariat of the Association
Article 7:Meetings of the Association
Article 8:Membership of the Association
Article 9:Financial matters
Article 10:Property rights
Article 11:Amendments
Article 12:Disputes
Article 13:Dissolution
In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires
– “Bunda College” means Bunda College of Agriculture, a constituent College of the
University of Malawi.
“Alumni” means -
(a) all graduates of Bunda College of Agriculture;
(b) all persons that have studied at Bunda College of Agriculture for a minimum of one semester
or one term; and
(c) recipients of honorary degrees from Bunda College of Agriculture.
(1) The name
of the Association shall be Bunda College Alumni Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”).
(2) The Association shall be a non-political and non-profit
making organization.
(3) The Association’s mission, goals and objectives
shall be to support the development of Bunda College thereby indirectly contributing to the development of the University of Malawi.
(4) The Association shall have a seat in the University of Malawi Council and shall be represented by the President.
(5) The motto
of the Association shall be “Networking through Mother Bunda”.
(6) The Association shall have a logo.
(1) The Mission Statement of the Association shall be “ To contribute to the development of Bunda College and its alumni through improvement and development of curricula and programs, provision of financial
and material support and enhancing networking and career development among the alumni.”.
(2) The goals of the Association shall be -
(a) to contribute towards the improvement of the current as well as the development of
new curriculum and programs at Bunda College;
(b) to raise financial and material resources for efficient and effective teaching and learning
as well as the general well being of students and staff at Bunda College; and
(c) to develop and help maintain active alumni interactions and enhance the image of
Bunda College through self-enrichment,
career development and role modeling in the wider society.
(3) The objectives of the Association shall be –
(a) to enhance and maintain links among members of the alumni and between alumni and
Bunda College;
(b) to assist needy Bunda College students by contributing
to their academic requirements such as book allowances and financial contribution;
(c) to provide support to Bunda College Library by donating and/or assisting the library access
documentary resources;
(d) to provide incentives such as rewards and prizes to the best student researchers and best alumni models
with proven record of significant contribution to society and industry in Malawi;
(e) to provide advice on the improvement of Bunda
College curricula and programs;
(f) to devise ways and means of raising funds for the Association and Bunda College;
(g) to encourage alumni to develop their respective careers through use of college resources
and support from staff;
(h) to initiate seminars, lecturers and other academic functions for the benefit of alumni and Bunda College;
(i) to create and support projects deemed necessary at Bunda College; and
(j) to enhance the image of Bunda
College and promote Bunda College as a premiere local, regional and international institution of excellence in agricultural training and
In pursuance of its aims and objectives and for the better
and proper performance of its functions under this Constitution, the Association shall
have powers to -
(a) engage in any activity or undertaking for the purpose of mobilizing
or generating financial and other material resources to be applied exclusively to the fulfillment of the aims and objectives
of the Association as set out in this Constitution;
(b) solicit donations, gifts and other forms of material aid acceptable
to the Association for the purpose of meeting the financial requirements and other needs of the Association in furtherance
of its aims and objectives;
(c) exercise any other power, perform any other function or do any other
activity that may lawfully be so exercised, performed or done by the Association for carrying out, or giving effect to, the
purpose for which the Association is established; and
(d) make rules prescribing –
the rates and modes of payment
by individual or institutional members which shall apply from time to time in respect of membership fees, subscription fees,
and other contributions/donations towards the funds of the Association;
the circumstances in which and
the conditions upon which membership of the Association may or shall be suspended or terminated; and
such other conditions relating
to membership as may be necessary or desirable to ensure the integrity, independence, honor and dignity of the Association
as well as efficacy in its operations.
The Association shall have an Executive Committee consist
of the following –
(a) the President whose functions shall be-
to chair meetings of the Executive
Committee and the General Assembly;
to authorize use of the funds
of the Association according to the budget approved by the General Assembly;
to supervise and coordinate activities
of the Secretariat of the Association;
the approval of the Executive Committee, shall have powers between Executive Committee meetings to appoint Committees, representatives
of the Association on joint
committees and/or delegate specific powers
and duties to other members of the Executive Committee; and
(ii) submit periodic reports to the Executive Committee on the activities of
the Association.
(b) the Vice President whose functions shall be –
(i) to initiate the establishment and organization of Alumni
(ii) to recruit alumni and expand projects;
(iii) to coordinate activities of the various Alumni Chapters;
(iv) in the absence of the President, to perform functions of the
(c) the Secretary whose functions shall be -
to act as secretary at meeting of the Executive
(ii) to take minutes during the meeting of the General Assembly;
(iii) to act as custodian of all
the records of the Association;
(iv) to be the public relations person for the Association;
to monitor fulfillment of activities of the
Association and prompt different offices accordingly; and
(vi) to publicize income-generating activities of the Association.
(d) the Vice Secretary whose functions shall be -
(i) to handle issues of publicity for the Association;
(ii) to coordinate the production of the newsletter and other publications
of the Association;
(iii) in the absence of the Secretary General, to perform the
functions of the Secretary;
(iv) to publicize income generating activities of the Association.
(e) the Treasurer General whose functions shall be -
(i) to act as the
custodian of the finances of the Association;
(ii) to act as the custodian of audit records;
(iii) to act as the custodian
of the inventory of property for the
(iv) to prepare and
report to the Executive Committee the
Association’s regular
financial documents and statements;
to prepare the draft annual budget of the Association
presentation to the Executive Committee and the General
(ii) to ensure that accounts are audited by Auditors of the Association; and
(iii) to make financial transactions on behalf of the Association.
(f) the Vice Treasurer whose functions shall be-
to be custodian of merchandising initiatives;
(ii) to organize fundraising activities for the Association;
(iii) to report to the Executive Committee on fundraising projects of the Association;
(iv) to coordinate fundraising activities organized by Alumni Chapters; and
in the absence of the Treasurer General, to
perform the functions of the Treasurer General.
(g) Committee Member responsible for student programs
functions shall be-
to work in liaison with the Dean
of Students at Bunda College to develop projects addressing the needs of students;
to coordinate student scholarships
and awards sponsored by or through the Association;
to report to the Executive Committee
on programs of the Associations directly benefiting students; and
to initiate student-alumni activities.
(h)Committee Member responsible for Alumni programs whose
functions shall be-
to coordinate academic and self-enrichment programs for
the alumni;
to coordinate and arrange, in
liaison with Alumni Chapters tours, excursions, and reunions for the alumni; and
to coordinate alumni awards or
prizes sponsored by or through the Association.
(i) Committee Member responsible for College programs whose
functions shall be -
to propose and develop projects
for the improvement of Bunda College campus in collaboration
with the administration of Bunda College; and
to coordinate alumni input on
Bunda College curricula and
programs; and
(j) the Principal of Bunda College, ex officio, whose functions shall be-
(i) to observe key issues initiated by the alumni and relate them to the relevance of Bunda College;
to convey to the Executive Committee proposals worth
to advise the Executive Committee on the policies and
regulations of the University of Malawi.
(2) In the execution
of its functions the Executive Committee shall -
(a) serve as a policy and executive group to facilitate the work of the
Association between meetings of the General Assembly, and to take such actions and policies of the General Assembly;
(b) serve as an advisory and planning body for the Association of projects and any other reports
submitted to the Executive Committee and issue appropriate directions for compliance by the competent organs or officers of
the Association;
(c) consider and approve proposals by the President to appoint a Committee
to perform special tasks;
(d) consider the budget of the Association before it is presented to the General Assembly;
(e) appoint auditors of the Association;
(f) receive and consider auditor’s reports and audited
accounts, and financial statements relating to the accounts of the Association presented by the Treasurer General; and
(g) receive, consider and draft a resolution for any issue or question for
determination and in respect of which this Constitution makes inadequate or no provision for its resolutions. Such a draft resolution shall be presented to the General Assembly for approval.
(3)Elections and terms of office for office bearers shall
be as follows –
(a) office bearers of the Executive Committee shall be elected during
the General Assembly;
(b) office bearers shall be elected by a majority vote;
(c) the term of office for office bearers shall
be two years and shall resume duty at the close of the regular
meeting of the General Assembly at which they were elected and end at the close of the succeeding regular meeting at
which a new Executive Committee was elected; and
(d) any position that falls vacant between regular General Assembly meetings may be filled by
a majority vote of the Executive Committee until the close of the next regular General Assembly.
(4) Alumni Chapters
of the Association shall be as follows -
(a) the Association shall have chapters based on the major agricultural zones of the country
(demarcations of the Agricultural Development Divisions);
(b) a group of alumni shall qualify to be registered as a Chapter after approval by the Executive
(c) each Chapter shall operate in accordance with the functions of the Association as spelled
out in of this Constitution;
(d) each Chapter shall have a Committee comprising the following office bearers –
the Chairperson, who shall perform
the functions of the Association’s President stipulated in Article 5 at the zone Chapter level;
the secretary, who shall perform
the functions of the Association’s Secretary stipulated in Article 5 at the Chapter level; and
the Treasurer who shall perform the functions
of the Treasurer General stipulated in Article 5 at the zone Chapter level.
(5) Elections and terms of
office for Alumni Chapter Committee members shall be as follows -
(a) office
bearers for the Chapters shall be elected during the General Meeting of the Chapters;
(b) office
bearers shall be elected by a majority vote from among the members of the Chapters;
(c) the
term of office for office bearers shall be two years and shall resume duty at the close of the regular meeting of the General
Meeting at which they were elected and end at the close of the succeeding regular meeting at which a new Chapter Committee
was elected;
(d) any
position that falls vacant between regular General meetings may be filled by a majority vote of the members of the Chapter
until the close of the next regular General Meeting;
(e) each
Chapter shall develop its own program of activities based on the annual plan of the Association; and
(f) Chapters shall remain in constant contact with the secretariat and the Executive Committee.
(1) The Secretariat
of the Association shall be based at Bunda College campus and the postal address shall be Bunda College Alumni Association,
P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe.
(2) The Office
Administrator shall manage the Secretariat and new positions be created as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
(3) The duties of the
Office Administrator shall be –
(a) to coordinate the day to day affairs of the Secretariat;
(b) to work in close collaboration with members of the Executive Committee and Alumni Chapter
Committees in the execution of their specific tasks; and
(c) to perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may deem necessary to be performed
by the Office Administrator.
(1) The General
Assembly shall be a gathering to be answerable to the entire membership of the Association.
(2) The General
Assembly shall be attended by -
(a) all subscribing members of the Association who shall attend
the General Assembly meeting as voting delegates;
(b) the immediate ex-officio members of the Executive
committee; and
(c) partners and organizations that support the Association who
shall be invited to attend by the Secretary of the Executive Committee but such delegates shall have no voting rights.
(3) The President or his vice shall chair meetings of the General Assembly.
(4) Ordinary meetings
of the General Assembly shall be held annually.
(5) The Executive Committee, by two-thirds vote, may call for an extra-ordinary General Assembly upon request
from more than half of the subscribing members of the Association.
(6) Voting at the General Assembly shall be by the subscribing members and may be by show of hands or by secret
(7) The Chairman
of the session shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberation vote.
(8) A preliminary
agenda for the General Assembly shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and sent to the Chapters three months in advance
of the General Assembly and -
(a) subscribing members may propose business to be transacted at the General Assembly through
their Chapters;
(b) such proposals shall reach the Secretary General at least two months before the meeting;
(c) the agenda of business to be transacted at the General Assembly shall be distributed by
the Secretary General to the Chapters and delegates at least one month before
the meeting; and
(d) no questions that have not been placed on the agenda shall be discussed or put to vote unless
a proposal to that effect is approved by a two-thirds majority vote at the General Assembly.
(9) The venue of the next General Assembly shall be decided at the preceding General Assembly.
(10) The Executive
Committee shall decide the exact dates of the General Assembly.
(11) The Executive Committee may decide a registration fee or scale of registration fees for the next General Assembly.
(12) The Executive
committee may waive registration fees either partly or wholly for subscribing members of the Association.
(13) The General Assembly
shall have the following functions -
to give recognition to each qualified
on the proposal by the Executive
Committee, to decide the subscription rates;
to determine special projects
that shall be financed independently of the general expenditure;
(a) to consider and approve proposals for any short or long
term development plan of activities, and strategies for implementation;
(b) to receive, review and evaluate reports on implementation of projects
and any other reports submitted to the General Assembly by the Executive Committee, and issue appropriate directions for compliance
by the competent organs or officers of the Association;
(c) to consider and approve proposals by the Executive
Committee to appoint a Committee to perform
special tasks;
(d) to consider and approve the budget of the Association;
(e) to consider and approve auditor’s reports, audited accounts and
financial statements relating to the accounts of the Association presented by the Treasurer General; and
(f) to receive and consider draft resolutions from the Executive Committee
for any issue or question of which this Constitution makes inadequate or no provision for its resolution.
(14) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held quarterly and
all members of the Executive Committee shall attend the meetings.
(15) One third of
the members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.
(16) The President or the Vice President
shall chair meetings of the Executive Committee.
(17) Chapters shall hold Annual
General Meetings.
(18) The Chairperson
of the Chapter shall chair the Annual General Meeting.
(19) All members of the Association
in the particular Chapter shall attend the Annual General meeting and members of the Executive Committee shall be invited
to attend without voting rights, except when they are a member of the particular Chapter.
(20) The venue of the
next Annual General Meeting for the Chapter shall be decided during the preceding meeting.
(21) The exact dates of the Annual General Meeting shall be decided upon by the Chapter Committee.
(22) The Chapter Committee may decide a registration fee
or scale of registration fees for the next Chapter Annual General Meeting.
(23) A preliminary agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be prepared
by the Chapter Committee and sent to the Chapter members one month in advance of the meeting.
(24) Subscribing members
may propose business to be transacted at the Chapter Annual General Meeting and
such proposals shall reach the Secretary of the Chapter at least two weeks before the meeting.
(25) The Chapter Secretary
shall distribute the agenda of business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting to subscribing delegates at least one
week before the meeting and no questions that have not been placed on the agenda shall be discussed or put to vote unless
a proposal to that effect is approved by a two-thirds majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
(26) The Annual General
Meeting shall have the function of -
giving recognition to each registered
member; and
determining special projects according
to the objectives of
Association that shall be financed independently by the Chapter.
(1) Membership
of the Association shall be divided into three categories -
(a) individual membership;
(b) family membership; and
(c) corporate membership;
and shall be
open to-
Bunda College of Agriculture graduates;
(ii) spouses and children of Bunda College graduates who shall be members by association;
(iii) Professors and faculty members at Bunda College who are
not graduates of the college who shall be members by affiliation;
(iv) technical staff at Bunda College having a university diploma or degree;
(v) coordinators of linkages between Bunda
College and other institutions; and
Honorary membership which shall be offered to people in
agriculture and related fields.
(2) There shall
be a registration fee for each category of membership.
(3) Membership
and subscription fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee and ratified by a simple majority vote at the General
(4) Payment of
annual subscriptions shall be made by the end of the month of June each calendar year. (Academic
(5) All members
of the Association shall be bound by the provisions of this Constitution, and its interpretation as made by the Executive
Committee and its members.
(6) At any meeting
of the Association, when a vote is taken by show of hands or secret ballot, all paid up members shall be entitled to one vote
(7) Membership
shall cease upon resignation by writing to the President of the Executive Committee.
(8) The Executive Committee
shall have the right to terminate membership for any member whose conduct is deemed to be prejudicial to the good name of
the Association.
(1) The Association
shall generate its income from -
(a) membership
fees and subscriptions;
(b) contributions
by well wishers;
(c) donations
and grants from Governments, bilateral donors and non-governmental organizations; and
(d) fund
raising activities taken under the authority of the Executive Committee.
(2) The Executive Committee
shall open an account in the name of Bunda College Alumni Association and all funds of the Association shall be deposited
in that account.
(3) There shall be three signatories
to the Account and these shall be the Treasurer General, the President and the Secretary.
(4) A portion of the Association’s
fund shall be allocated for discharging the duties of the Secretariat.
(5) The Executive
Committee shall open an account for the Endowment Trust Fund which shall be a Trust run by the Association;
(6) Donors shall make donations
for specific functions or activities of the Association.
(7) All accounts, records
and documents of the Association shall be open for yearly auditing by an auditor approved by the Executive Committee.
(8) Alumni Chapters shall
open Bank accounts at zone levels.
(1) All movable and
fixed assets of the Association shall be entered in a register, which shall be reported during the General Assembly.
(2) The income
and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Association as set
forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividends,
bonus or profits to its members.
(1) Subscribing members
proposing amendments to this Constitution shall inform the Secretary of the Executive Committee six months prior to the next
General Assembly.
(2) The Secretary
of the Executive Committee shall table the proposed amendment during the Executive Committee meeting.
(3) Amendments
shall be tabled during the General Assembly and a two thirds majority vote shall be required to pass an amendment to the Constitution
during the General Assembly.
(1) The Executive
Committee shall appoint a lawyer that shall handle disputes and all other legal issues involving the Association.
(2) All disputes
shall be settled according to the laws of Malawi.
(1) The Association
shall be dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds
of active and subscribing members.
(2) If upon dissolution
of the Association there shall remain any property whatsoever, after settling all its debts and liabilities, the same shall
be given or transferred to Bunda College.